6 research outputs found

    Multi-Module G2P Converter for Persian Focusing on Relations between Words

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    In this paper, we investigate the application of end-to-end and multi-module frameworks for G2P conversion for the Persian language. The results demonstrate that our proposed multi-module G2P system outperforms our end-to-end systems in terms of accuracy and speed. The system consists of a pronunciation dictionary as our look-up table, along with separate models to handle homographs, OOVs and ezafe in Persian created using GRU and Transformer architectures. The system is sequence-level rather than word-level, which allows it to effectively capture the unwritten relations between words (cross-word information) necessary for homograph disambiguation and ezafe recognition without the need for any pre-processing. After evaluation, our system achieved a 94.48% word-level accuracy, outperforming the previous G2P systems for Persian.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Association of regional cerebral perfusion impairment with gait and balance performance in dizzy patients using brain perfusion spect: Voxel-based analysis of a pilot sample

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    Objective(s): The purpose of this study was to investigate regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) reduction in patients with dizziness and perfusion-related clinical impairment using brain perfusion single photon emission tomography (SPECT). Methods: Thirty-four patients with subjective dizziness and 13 age-and sexmatched healthy controls were studied. Dizziness-related impairments were assessed using the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) and Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). Brain perfusion SPECT scan was acquired from all participants. The carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) was also measured. Brain perfusion data were qualitatively interpreted in all cases. Voxel-wise analysis was also conducted in 11 patients compared to healthy controls. Results: Thirty-four patients (mean age=53.8±13.4 years, m/f: 19/15) and 13 ageand sex-matched controls (mean age=51.5±13.1, m/f: 7/6) were included. The dizziness severity was mild in 58.8% (n=20), moderate in 26.5% (n=9), and severe in 14.7% (n=5). Qualitative interpretation of SPECT images showed normal scans in 4 (11.2%) patients and abnormal scans in 30 (88.2%) patients. Patients with dizziness showed a significantly decreased brain perfusion in the precuneus, cuneus, occipital lobe (superior and inferior parts), frontal lobe (inferior and middle parts), temporal lobe, parietal lobe (inferior and superior parts), cerebellum, insula, and putamen nucleus. Based on both qualitative SPECT interpretation and voxel-wise analysis, perfusion defect had a significant association with the total SPPB score and the scores of two sub-domains (p[removed]0.05) score . Conclusion: The perfusion-and atherosclerosis-related impairments of gait and balance were largely independent of subjective dizziness and dizziness severity. Moreover, this study provided support for contribution of perfusion impairment to the disturbance of gait and balance in older populations along with other pathologic processes. © 2021 mums.ac.ir All rights reserved

    Sjuksköterskors kunskap och attityder om EMLA® på barn : En kvantitativ studie

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    Bakgrund Barnsjuksköterskans främsta uppgifter är att ge trygg och säker vård till barn och ungdomar. Användandet av EMLA® kan bidra till att minska smärtsamma procedurer som barn behöver gå igenom när de vårdas på sjukhus. Användandet av EMLA® styrs av sjuksköterskans kunskap och attityd om krämen. Syftet var att undersöka kunskaper och attityder om EMLA® på barn hos sjuksköterskor. Samt att utforska om det fanns en skillnad på kunskaper och attityder om EMLA® på barn mellan två svenska barnkliniker.   Metod Ett bekvämlighetsurval gjordes och enkäter som mätte kunskaper och attityder till EMLA® skickades ut till samtliga sjuksköterskor anställda på två barnkliniker i Stockholm och Uppsala. Data analyserades kvantitativt med hjälp av SPSS. Resultat Mer än hälften av sjuksköterskorna ökade appliceringstiden av EMLA® om patienten hade mörk hudkostym. Endast en tredjedel av sjuksköterskorna var medvetna om vilka biverkningar EMLA® har och mer än hälften visste inte från vilken ålder EMLA® får användas. Varken kunskap eller attityd korrelerade med sjuksköterskornas ålder eller arbetslivserfarenhet. Det fanns ingen skillnad i kunskap eller attityd beroende på om sjuksköterskan hade specialistutbildning eller inte.   Slutsats: Smärtan som uppstår i samband med procedurer kan ha en inverkan på barns kognitiva utveckling samt skapa rädsla och ge ökad smärtkänslighet. Genom att använda EMLA® kan smärtan vid dessa procedurer reduceras. Användandet av EMLA® är beroende av sjuksköterskans kunskap och attityd om krämen. Felaktiga antaganden finns om krämen och de flesta håller med om att EMLA® är en bra smärtlindring vid smärtsamma procedurer.Background A paediatric nurse’s primary task is to provide safe and secure care to children. The use of EMLA® can help reduce painful procedures for children. However, nurses’ use of EMLA® is dependent on knowledge about and attitudes to it. Aim The aim was to investigate knowledge and attitudes about EMLA® on children among nurses and to explore whether there was a difference in knowledge and attitudes about EMLA® on children between two Swedish children's clinics.   Method A convenience sample was made and questionnaires which measured knowledge and attitudes about EMLA® were sent out to all nurses employed at two children's clinics in Stockholm and Uppsala. Quantitative methods were used to analyse data with SPSS. Results More than half of the nurses increased the application time of EMLA® if the patient had dark skin costume. Only a third were aware of the side effects of EMLA® and more than half did not know from what age EMLA® may be used. Neither knowledge nor attitude correlated with nurses' age or work experience. There was no difference in knowledge or attitude depending on specialist training.   Conclusion The pain that arises in connection with procedures can have an impact on children's cognitive development and create fear and increase pain sensitivity. By using EMLA® the pain can be reduced. The use of EMLA® is dependent on the nurse's knowledge and attitude. Incorrect assumptions exist about the cream and most agree that EMLA® is a good pain relief in procedures

    Sjuksköterskors kunskap och attityder om EMLA® på barn : En kvantitativ studie

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    Bakgrund Barnsjuksköterskans främsta uppgifter är att ge trygg och säker vård till barn och ungdomar. Användandet av EMLA® kan bidra till att minska smärtsamma procedurer som barn behöver gå igenom när de vårdas på sjukhus. Användandet av EMLA® styrs av sjuksköterskans kunskap och attityd om krämen. Syftet var att undersöka kunskaper och attityder om EMLA® på barn hos sjuksköterskor. Samt att utforska om det fanns en skillnad på kunskaper och attityder om EMLA® på barn mellan två svenska barnkliniker.   Metod Ett bekvämlighetsurval gjordes och enkäter som mätte kunskaper och attityder till EMLA® skickades ut till samtliga sjuksköterskor anställda på två barnkliniker i Stockholm och Uppsala. Data analyserades kvantitativt med hjälp av SPSS. Resultat Mer än hälften av sjuksköterskorna ökade appliceringstiden av EMLA® om patienten hade mörk hudkostym. Endast en tredjedel av sjuksköterskorna var medvetna om vilka biverkningar EMLA® har och mer än hälften visste inte från vilken ålder EMLA® får användas. Varken kunskap eller attityd korrelerade med sjuksköterskornas ålder eller arbetslivserfarenhet. Det fanns ingen skillnad i kunskap eller attityd beroende på om sjuksköterskan hade specialistutbildning eller inte.   Slutsats: Smärtan som uppstår i samband med procedurer kan ha en inverkan på barns kognitiva utveckling samt skapa rädsla och ge ökad smärtkänslighet. Genom att använda EMLA® kan smärtan vid dessa procedurer reduceras. Användandet av EMLA® är beroende av sjuksköterskans kunskap och attityd om krämen. Felaktiga antaganden finns om krämen och de flesta håller med om att EMLA® är en bra smärtlindring vid smärtsamma procedurer.Background A paediatric nurse’s primary task is to provide safe and secure care to children. The use of EMLA® can help reduce painful procedures for children. However, nurses’ use of EMLA® is dependent on knowledge about and attitudes to it. Aim The aim was to investigate knowledge and attitudes about EMLA® on children among nurses and to explore whether there was a difference in knowledge and attitudes about EMLA® on children between two Swedish children's clinics.   Method A convenience sample was made and questionnaires which measured knowledge and attitudes about EMLA® were sent out to all nurses employed at two children's clinics in Stockholm and Uppsala. Quantitative methods were used to analyse data with SPSS. Results More than half of the nurses increased the application time of EMLA® if the patient had dark skin costume. Only a third were aware of the side effects of EMLA® and more than half did not know from what age EMLA® may be used. Neither knowledge nor attitude correlated with nurses' age or work experience. There was no difference in knowledge or attitude depending on specialist training.   Conclusion The pain that arises in connection with procedures can have an impact on children's cognitive development and create fear and increase pain sensitivity. By using EMLA® the pain can be reduced. The use of EMLA® is dependent on the nurse's knowledge and attitude. Incorrect assumptions exist about the cream and most agree that EMLA® is a good pain relief in procedures

    Conflict among Iranian hospital nurses: a qualitative study

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    which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Background: This study aims to explore the experience of conflict as perceived by Iranian hospital nurses in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. Although conflict-control approaches have been extensively researched throughout the world, no research-based data are available on the perception of conflict and effective resolutions among hospital nurses in Iran. Methods: A qualitative research approach was used to explore how Iranian hospital nurses perceive and resolve conflicts at work. A purposive sample of 30 hospital nurses and nurse managers was selected to obtain data by means of in-depth semi structured interviews. Data were analysed by means of the content analysis method. Results: The emerging themes were: (1) the nurses ' perceptions and reactions to conflict; (2) organizational structure; (3) hospital management style; (4) the nature and conditions of job assignment; (5) individual characteristics; (6) mutual understanding and interaction; and (7) the consequences of conflict. The first six themes describe the sources of the conflict as well as strategies to manage them

    Proteome analysis, bioinformatic prediction and experimental evidence revealed immune response down-regulation function for serum-starved human fibroblasts

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    Emerging evidence indicates that fibroblasts play pivotal roles in immunoregulation by producing various proteins under health and disease states. In the present study, for the first time, we compared the proteomes of serum-starved human skin fibroblasts and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) using Nano-LC-ESI-tandem mass spectrometry. This analysis contributes to a better understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms of chronic inflammation and cancer, which are intrinsically accompanied by growth factor deficiency.The proteomes of starved fibroblasts and PBMCs consisted of 307 and 294 proteins, respectively, which are involved in lymphocyte migration, complement activation, inflammation, acute phase response, and immune regulation. Starved fibroblasts predominantly produced extracellular matrix-related proteins such as collagen/collagenase, while PBMCs produced focal adhesion-related proteins like beta-parvin and vinculin which are involved in lymphocyte migration. PBMCs produced a more diverse set of inflammatory molecules like heat shock proteins, while fibroblasts produced human leukocytes antigen-G and -E that are known as main immunomodulatory molecules. Fifty-four proteins were commonly found in both proteomes, including serum albumin, amyloid-beta, heat shock cognate 71 kDa, and complement C3. GeneMANIA bioinformatic tool predicted 418 functions for PBMCs, including reactive oxygen species metabolic processes and 241 functions for starved fibroblasts such as antigen processing and presentation including non-classical MHC -Ib pathway, and negative regulation of the immune response. Protein-protein interactions network analysis indicated the immunosuppressive function for starved fibroblasts-derived human leucocytes antigen-G and –E. Moreover, in an in vitro model of allogeneic transplantation, the immunosuppressive activity of starved fibroblasts was experimentally documented. Conclusion: Under serum starvation-induced metabolic stress, both PBMCs and fibroblasts produced molecules like heat shock proteins and amyloid-beta, which can have pathogenic roles in auto-inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus erythematosus, aging, and cancer. However, starved fibroblasts showed immunosuppressive activity in an in vitro model of allogeneic transplantation, suggesting their potential to modify such adverse reactions by down-regulating the immune system